- Initiate a Return by filling this form (Click for the form)
- Drop off your items or schedule a pick up with us
- Return the item shipped, kindly place the item in its original packaging, including any accessories, tags, labels or freebies. Always ensure your return slip is signed by our agents. That is your proof of return.
- Refund will be processed once we receive your returned item, we will inspect it and process your refund via voucher or bank transfer depending on your selected option
What can I return?
You can initiate a return within 3 days of items delivered if the items are wrong, damaged, defective or counterfeit items. When returning an item, ensure all seals, tags and accessories are left intact and item is in its original packaging. Failure to abide by these terms your refund request will not be honoured and your item will be shipped back to you.
How do I return an item?
Complete your return request on our contact form or call us.
Can I change my refund option anytime?
No you cannot once your return form is submitted, except an additional mail is sent to us prior to picking it up.
How long will it take to return an item and get my refund?
It will take 5days to pick it up (in as much as our call is picked) and 3 working days to get a refund. We will try to give you three calls to schedule pickup after which if you don’t pick your refund becomes invalid.
Return Shipping Charges.
You don’t have to pay for any shipping charge when you return an item.
Can I Replace or Exchange an item rather than a refund?
No, you have to get your refund first and place a new order.
If my returned product is not validated for refund, how do I get informed?
If your return is invalid then we will call you to explain the issue and send the item(s) back to you. We will arrange the delivery of the item. Note that we will make several attempts to return the product to you. However, after 2 return attempts, we will cancel the return procedure and we will keep the product with us for a maximum of 7 days for you to pick it up at DELWIT warehoouse